Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Why some people have an aversion to sex?

While it may be one of the most pleasant and healthy activities, not all people have a good time when sex. Some even go up to reject the idea of ​​entering into intimate contact with someone. Discover what aversion to sex is and what you can do to control it.

Pamela suddenly no longer broke down and confessed to her friends that although I wanted to find the love of his life, could not imagine having intimacy with someone. The idea distressed her, gave her rejection think the penetration, the touch or having to touch someone.

Her friends gasped in surprise, they had never suspected the situation of Pamela. However,  it has a name, a cause and treatment. It is called an aversion to sex or inhibited sexual desire, and can not only happen to women but also men.

Neither more nor less aversion to sex not only implies a lack of sexual desire but also, in extreme cases, their total rejection. This can happen to inexperienced people like Pamela, or who have ever enjoyed healthy sexuality, but for some reason have lost interest.

The causes of this condition can be varied. In general, it is emotional situations and irrational ideas that the person has developed throughout his life, during their upbringing or after having had a traumatic sexual experience or have been abused or sexual violence.

Some psychological conditions such as depression  and excessive stress can decrease sexual interest. In some couples, inhibited sexual desire is simply a disconnect with a companion due to communication problems, lack of affection, discussions and lack of time for the couple to be alone and maintain a good emotional intimacy.

The causes of aversion to sex also may be linked to sexual dysfunction problems, whether in man  such as difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection or to retain eyaculaciĆ³n- or in women  such as pain during penetration  or trouble reaching orgasm.

Furthermore, in the case of men, it can also occur due to a hormonal condition called hypogonadism, which occurs when man has a low level of testosterone (the male hormone responsible for, among other things, cause sexual desire, both men and women. Therefore, hormonal changes in both partners can affect sexual desire).

Sometimes the lack of sexual desire is associated with diseases (such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis or cancer) or any medications the person is taking to treat some other aspect of health, such as some antidepressants that can affect the sexual desire.

The good news is you can always do something to regain your sexual desire. It is considered that when looking for a solution to this problem women are less embarrassed to talk about their problems in privacy, especially after menopause. But it is important that they seek help.

The first thing you need is to try to determine the source of the problem. Often you have to change medications. Other times, to improve dialogue in the couple and seeking more intimate spaces can be helpful, as well as seek psychological or sexual therapist specialized in counseling. In all cases, it is important to talk about it and keep an open communication, either with or partner as the professional who attends, without shame and honestly.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Enjoy intimacy without pain

Having sex is one of the most pleasurable and desired activities that people can enjoy. However, in many cases, this pleasure becomes pain which interrupts your intimacy. Here are four tips so you can enjoy privacy without pain.

There are women and even men who have pain  before, during or after the  penetration . Although it is a common situation that should not be considered normal. If there is a pain, something is wrong.

The causes of this  pain , known as  dyspareunia , can be varied. Among them are certain  sexual positions ,  allergic reactions ,  irritation ,  infections  and genital lesions,  vaginal dryness,  emotional and psychological factors. There are several alternatives to eliminate the  pain  during  penetration ,  in the following we will demonstrator  you what they are.

1.  If the  pain  is due to  vaginal dryness  use  lubricant ; which they are soluble in water are a good choice. Avoid using Vaseline or oil, as this could break the condom and getting some sort of sexually transmitted disease.

2.  enjoy foreplay to  penetration , thus both be more excited and achieve higher levels of  pleasure .

3.  If there are some  sexual positions  that you are painful, avoid it and practice that you are more pleasurable.

4.  Remember that sex is not just  penetration . Try  oral sex  or  masturbation  mutual. Explode Your  eroticism  with  massages , games, movies, toys, etc.

If the  pain  is persistent, take it seriously, do not let go and consult a specialist to help you identify the causes and deal with this problem. Avoid complications and regains  pleasure  to have  sex .

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Some interesting facts about the penis


Myth or Reality? There are many rumors about the penis, but often, neither men nor women are encouraged to ask because they are embarrassed. However, some experts have talked about these issues openly to dispel doubts, and we'll do the same. Here are three fun facts you might not know about the penis.

The penis "thinks" for itself

If you are a woman, you've probably heard men that the penis takes an "independent" life and sometimes excited without their owner wants. It may be that you have not taken seriously and that you think that is an excuse. But if you are a man, you have probably noticed that it is so the penis does what he wants, although women do not believe it . You may recall situations where I was completely out of place to have an erection , such as during a class at school, a business meeting or a dinner with friends and yet you could not control the "emotions" of your penis.

Why? It is true you can not control the penis in the same way you control the movement of your arms, for example. This is because the penis responds to autonomic or sympathetic nervous system , which is not always under conscious control. So, usually, sexual arousal , but with the help of the conscious mind does not happen voluntarily.

The penis can also be excited by the impulses that the brain sends during the phase of sleep known as "Rapid Eye Movement" (REM by its initials in English) and no matter if you are having an erotic dream or dream about a car race. In addition, other factors such as weight lifting can help to have erections.

However, the penis is not always excited you can not control it. It also happens that shrinks. If you're stressed, it is very likely that the penis becomes smaller, almost like when you give yourself a cold shower. The next time you get a chance, look: when you're relaxed, your flaccid penis looks bigger than when you are very stressed or worried.

Urologists say that the penis acts as a barometer to identify what happens with the sympathetic nervous system.

So that the penis has its own life or thinks for itself, it is truer than you thought.

The penis can fracture or break

Talking of a "penile fracture" you may find it strange, especially because the penis is not a bone. We might describe as a body composed of smooth muscle and blood vessels. However, the term itself is used to describe the breakdown of the penis, when it happens, it can cause a sound or thunder. If your penis is broken black or blue it gets and can be very painful.

The penis fracture is not common but can especially happen to the young man since erections during adolescence are very rigid. Also, if during sex you penetrate your partner too quickly and harshly, you can fracture the penis. Also when the woman becomes very violent movements when it is above man during sex.

So when you talk about the penile fracture, create it, because it exists.

Most penises in the world are not circumcised

The penis naturally has a skin covering his head called the foreskin. Most Jews at birth men are circumcised for religious reasons. Muslim men have also had a circumcision with Jews constitute 70% of circumcised men in the world.

However, men are also for reasons that are not religious. The United States has the highest rate of men circumcised for non-religious reasons: 75%. In contrast, in Canada only 30% of men have been circumcised, in Britain 20% and in Australia only 6%.

The practice of circumcision in the United States for cosmetic or medical reasons has become a controversial issue . (According to the CDC nearly 65% of newborn children are subjected to circumcision). However, recently the World Health Organization said there was evidence that men without a foreskin are less likely to get HIV and circumcision is indicated in certain cases of phimosis and balanitis .

Anyway, it is a personal decision and uncircumcised men remain the majority world.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Diabetes and sexual satisfaction

Diabetic women are less satisfied with their sex life

Sexual difficulties have many causes and one of them may be diabetes. And although this applies to both sexes , a new study found how decreases the level of sexual satisfaction specifically among women who have diabetes, with an even greater decline in the case of using insulin. In this article, we tell you more details on this finding and recommendations to overcome some problems in privacy that may result from diabetes.

A study by researchers at the University of California, San Francisco, tried to measure how much decreased sexual desire or satisfaction in women with diabetes and found that while both the desire and sexual practice were similar among those with the condition and who is not, diabetics have reported less pleasure, especially those who need to use insulin.

To achieve these results, the researchers analyzed data from more than 2,000 women from Kaiser Permanente in Northern California, who were about 55 years old. Among them, 486 had diabetes, and about 6 percent used insulin .

The participants answered a questionnaire and answers the following information emerged: almost two-thirds of women reported having sexual activity in the previous 3 months of the study and about half of those who had no sex they said that was because  they had no partners or their companions could not have sexual activity.

Among women who did have sexual activity, women who applied insulin tended to report more lubrication problems and trouble reaching orgasm than those who did not have diabetes or if they did, but the fighting with other medicines.

Similarly, these women were more likely to say that their health, in general, limited their sexual activity "quite" or "extremely" compared with women without diabetes.

Remember that uncontrolled diabetes can lead to other health complications such as heart disease and heart attacks, kidney problems and nerve endings ( diabetic neuropathy ), which can also be related to problems in sex.

While this study is limited and further data on this topic is needed to understand exactly how diabetes affects women in their sexual life, the truth is that this can happen: many women with diabetes may have decreased libido (lack sexual desire) and inability to achieve orgasm, vaginal dryness and more likely to have vaginal yeast infections (thrush or vaginal candidiasis) .

Vaginal dryness can be very annoying because it hampers to produce lubricate during sex and so even may feel pain. To make matters worse, lubricants counter that helps right now can further increase the risk of you from getting vaginal yeast infection.

What can you do to maintain a healthy sexual relationship even if you are diabetic? If you have vaginal dryness and want to use a lubricant, talk to your doctor or gynecologist so he can advise you on which product recommends that you use or how you can solve the problem, let alone shame: let him ask all the questions you have regarding your sexuality and how it can affect you in relation to your diabetes.

Similarly, contact openly with your partner to understand the reasons for your lack of sexual appetite and incidentally, explore other activities that promote intimacy and closeness of the couple emotionally. All that will help later in the physical relationship.

Now, does that mean that if you have diabetes have sexual problems? No, each person is different and the disease can affect everyone in different ways. Some have sexual problems, others have skin problems, others feel in vision and some people have no problem and keep their diabetes under control.

So, the important thing is to keep blood sugar levels under control and that, in addition to the medicines that your doctor prescribe, nothing better than a directed proper diet accompanied by exercise routine . Come on , do not give up! Your sexual problems can be solved despite diabetes.

Friday, October 7, 2016

5 ways to maintain sexual anxiety

Sometimes such a pleasurable activity like sex can become a real headache. And worst of all is that when something goes wrong in privacy can fill you with frustrations and fears that may reappear when you try to have sex again. Here we tell you what sexual anxiety is and how to deal with it.

Sex should be a pleasurable activity for both partners and even has been proven to have health benefits . However, sometimes, there are concerns that kill passion and desire .

When Charles met Diana, for example, he was so enamored that he feared not being able to enjoy the girl of his dreams. He thought his penis was small and surely she would have had experiences with men who were "better" than him and then ... The result was frustrating: when the time of sex came to his erection lasted only until the moment of penetration, and then nothing , there was no way to continue ...

In similar situations, Paul enthused so much that he could not hold ejaculation  to wait for his companion, and it got so bad the issue that in the end, whenever he liked a girl not even close for fear of passing again for a situation so frustrating.

If happens to you something, take heart! This is a problem that has a solution. It is known as sexual anxiety and although it is more common among men, sometimes it can also happen to women.

There are various concerns that can cause sexual anxiety. For example:

  • Fear of not being enough "good" in bed.
  • Having a bad image of your body and / or your weight.
  • Worry or feel that penis size is not adequate.
  • Fear of ejaculating prematurely (premature ejaculation)  or unable to sustain an erection until the woman reaches orgasm.
  • Fear of not being able to reach orgasm or enjoy the sexual experience.
All these concerns prevent sex is pleasurable. They can also activate some stress hormones that make your body react as if he were facing a threat, when really you're not.

In men, for example, one of the effects of stress hormones is constricting blood vessels. Thus, less blood reaches the penis and makes erection more difficult to achieve or sustain. In the case of women, however, it is possible that stress does not allow them lubricated enough to have sex or lose the desire to have sex.

Are you worried about the issue of sexual anxiety? Do not despair it has a solution and is not as difficult to achieve. First of all, consultation with a doctor to discard that what happens to you is not something physical or caused by any medicines you are taking.

If all is well physically, then a qualified professional may suggest alternatives. Between them:

  1. Be open with your partner and encourage to discuss concerns that do not let you act freely during sex. So, your partner can understand you better and may even seek solutions which, after all, will unite even more.
  2. It seeks to broaden privacy, there are many ways to do this without having sex. For example, there may be a massage or take a warm bath, take caresses and seek new ways of feeling and provoke feelings without having to reach sexual act that you so stressed.
  3. Do exercise. Not only allow you to stay in shape and feel better with your body but also have more energy and strength for sex.
  4. Distract yourself and seeks external stimuli that will help you take care of the sexual act. For example, you can put music or think about things or situations that stimulate you.
  5. Calls psychological help. If none of this works, consult a professional who specializes in sexual problems that can help you know your fears and understand what things concern you or cause you anxiety, as well as feel more comfortable with your sexuality.

Remember that when it comes to sex, there is a way to do right or wrong. On the contrary, the important thing is to enjoy together and get carried away by emotions, anything goes in while the couple are both comfortable. So stop blaming yourself or push you on how you do or how you look or how you feel your body looks. Sex has nothing to do with any of that and you have all the conditions to enjoy it. Do not be overcome by sexual anxiety, because it is a situation that can be resolved and not have to follow affecting.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

What if you do not have sex in a year?

Can you imagine what would happen if you have sex in a year? Believe it or not, your body covers the need for such a clever way that you never realize, especially in women.

In an exclusive interview, the humanist psychotherapist Mariano Salinas  explain that passion and instinctive energy normally used in sexuality is "divided" in other aspects of life.

" It is normal for women to feel frustrated or bored by the lack of sex; however, it is very likely that another aspect of your life occupies that place of importance. "
For example, many women become workaholics . "For them the most important thing is work, they spend thinking about him all the time, Monday to Friday, and even on weekends."

"This becomes very frustrating because it is not what is needed, but it works as a substitute," says Mariano Salinas.
Why are you taking so long?
It depends on many things, including some women who say they do not have any sexual need and can live well; but in fact, they are doing this: I approach it to something else.

On the other hand, the  lack of sex  for a long time confronts his pleasure and his own reality: why someone can spend a year without having sex with someone?

There are many theories that everyone should be analyzed according to its context and education. One example is that they only do when they are in love , by beliefs, repression and  moral values inculcated in childhood.

"Maybe it's not avoiding personal ethics but by prejudice and that causes more frustration because they refuse to experience because of others" concludes the psychotherapist.
So if you have not had sex in over a year, it is best to do a reflection of things or situations that prevent you enjoy those moments . Only then will find a solution that suits your needs and habits take you avoid potentially damaging your physical and emotional health.

And you, you have wondered: What if I have sex in a year?

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The Rh factor and pregnancy What is the relationship?

Are you planning to be a mom and you're worried that your husband and you are not "compatible" with regard to blood type? Have you been told that if you have Rh negative you must take a right treatment before or during your pregnancy so that you or your baby does not have any problems? In life and health we tell you what does the Rh factor in your blood with a normal, healthy pregnancy.

You've probably heard of complications in pregnancy has Rh blood. If so, I would start at the beginning. What is Rh factor? On the surface of red blood cells is a protein factor that determines the Rh. If you have it , then you are Rh positive; if not, you are Rh negative. This is in addition to that there are four blood types: A, B, AB and O. Hence when we talk about blood type of the group and after the Rh factor .

It is estimated that 85% of people are Rh positive. However, if you are the percentage of people with Rh negative and you are a woman, pay attention. If your partner is Rh positive and becomes pregnant, there is a possibility that the baby will have health problems. The reason? It is likely that the developing baby has inherited the father's blood with Rh positive.

Then you simply explain where born this complication. When the mother is Rh negative and the baby is Rh positive, in medical terms this condition is known as "hemolytic disease of the newborn Rh-induced".

There are situations in pregnancy, including childbirth, where baby's blood mixed with the blood of the mother. During pregnancy, the mother feeds the fetus through the placenta. During this communication, baby red blood cells can be passed into the bloodstream of the mother, which makes the body of the mother refuses to perceive them as a foreign substance into your body. In other words, the body of the mother feels attacked and creates defenses to protect. These defenses are anti-Rh antibodies.

Because there is a constant exchange between the baby 's body and the body of the mother, these antibodies may travel through the bloodstream of the mother which cross the placenta into the baby's body. After crossing the placenta these antibodies begin to attack the baby's red blood cells. This makes the baby can develop certain conditions such as jaundice, anemia or even brain damage.

As the process of creating antibodies takes time, in most cases it does not affect babies of mothers, but it can affect the children that come after it, if they have Rh positive and the mother has Rh negative . If you are a new mother, but you've had abortions or interrupted pregnancies it is recommended also receive treatment, because your body may have been sensitized and may have produced antibodies.

If you think it's a very negative picture, let me tell you not to worry. If you attend your prenatal checkups from the beginning of your pregnancy , your doctor will probably injection of Rh immunoglobulin, which is also known as Rhogam. Your doctor will determine the right time to give it . Rh immune globulin antibodies help neutralize such that there is no risk to the baby.

If your doctor knows you're Rh negative you recommend a direct Coombs test. Also maintain strict attention to changes in the baby such as elevations in the levels of bilirubin , jaundice, symptoms of destruction of red blood cells, and evidence of decreased muscle tone, among others.

Being informed will give you the peace of mind you need to enjoy your pregnancy.

Remember that the best way to be alert to such situations in pregnancy is to begin to see your doctor as soon as possible. Prenatal tests will increase your chances of having a normal, successful pregnancy.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Sex addiction: Is it a disease?

Research has measured the brain's response to sexual images in people who had declared hypersexuality they have problems. Unlike what many expected, the result showed that sex addiction is not a disease but is associated with a high level of desire.

Having sexual desires several times a day is not a problem . It is totally normal experience symptoms and is common in sometimes that desire increases more than usual. But if you  loved one lose control when they fail to meet that desire, or if the thought of sex affects your daily life, work, relationships and even your health. It is what many call a "sex addiction" or hypersexuality nymphomania .

Why this addiction occurs or if it is similar to other addictions like drugs. And one way to distinguish whether it is a medical problem or just a high sex drive could be determined by measuring the brain's response to stimuli that generate images of sexual content in people who recognize they have sexual problems.

Researchers at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), United States, managed to measure the performance of the brain in oversexed people, that is, those who have trouble controlling when they see sexual images. They have determined that the brain's response in such cases was not related to the severity of his hypersexuality.

According to the researchers, if any sex addiction, the brain's response to visual sexual stimuli should be much higher, similar to experiencing the brains of addicted to cocaine seeing images of drugs, as he has been shown in several studies.

To reach these results, which were published in the specializing Socioaffective Neuroscience and Psychology , the researchers tested 52 volunteers, 39 men and 13 women, 18 to 39 years old, who had reported having trouble controlling when looking at some pictures sex.

The researchers asked participants to complete four questionnaires on different topics, such as sexual behavior, sexual desire, sexual compulsions and possible negative consequences that have been the result of those behaviors. The results were very similar to those classified as sex addicts.

The researchers then made them electroencephalogram (EEG) participants while they watched a series of photographs that were selected to evoke pleasant or unpleasant sensations, including dismembered bodies, people cooking or skiing and, of course, sex scenes, some romantic and other sexually explicit.

An EEG is a noninvasive technique that measures brain waves, ie, the electrical activity generated by neurons when they communicate with each other. Specifically, the researchers measured brain responses that are the direct result of a specific cognitive event.

What was that? Detect something known as a response P300 , which is the response of the brain 300 milliseconds after each image appears and is used as a basic measure in studies of international neuroscience. Specifically, it is considered that the answer P300 is higher when a person realizes something new or have a special interest to her.

In this sense, the researchers expected that the answers P300 to sexual images were greater, so that will be associated with hypersexuality. However, the results showed no such association.

Thus, the results seem to agree with the fact that the American Psychiatric Association has excluded sex addiction as a disorder of the latest edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM 5), a guide which classifies mental disorders and establishes diagnoses and associated with certain codes.

This does not imply that people who have problems in their daily lives due to sex - related impulses they can not control do not need help. On the contrary, it provides new information for specialists to rethink and improve existing treatments. If you think you or someone you love have excessive or compulsive sexual behavior, be sure to seek advice from a qualified professional.

8 causes of hair loss in women

Now you comb your hair and takes less time than before? In most cases, hair loss in women is almost imperceptible until the problem has advanced considerably: Your hair entries are more pronounced, and it stops growing in some areas.

" It is normal for hair to fall out, the difficulty arises when there is a disproportion between hair loss  and born or when new not have the same quality that has been lost: thickness, length, brightness. In addition, out of 100 hairs we have, there is always 12-15% under parts "and indicated by the US Academy of Dermatology and Venereology.

This makes it important to know what factors cause a woman to lose hair. Here we will reveal 8 reasons!

1. Pregnancy

This is for the body a stressful or traumatic event that causes a phenomenon called telogen effluvium; that is, women experience hair loss from three to six weeks after delivery.

2. Too much vitamin A

This is possible if vitamin supplements are taken, as these may contain between 2.5 and 10 international units, upon the recommendation of the American Academy of Dermatology, is located in the 5 units.

3. Thyroid problems

In this case, the fall is chronic and diffuse, keratin becomes more fragile and appearance of the hair is often more rough and dry, the advice of the Institut Vila-Rovira in Barcelona.

4. The environment

The environment in the air and water pollutants, and exposure to chlorine, metals and minerals, can lead to hormonal imbalances that can contribute to hair loss. Exposure to UV rays and free radicals can also prematurely age the cells of the scalp.

5. A little-balanced diet

Poor nutrition, rapid weight loss, a high consumption of animal and deficiencies in fat biotin, iron, protein or zinc can reduce the vital amino acids and absorption necessary for hair growth vitamins.

6. Hormonal changes

The estrogen (female sex hormone) is responsible for that have a nice, thick mane. The problem arises when estrogen levels decrease and increase androgen, another hormone that can cause hair loss. This is common in mu menopause .

7. Anemia

Approximately one in 10 women aged between 20 and 49 years suffer from anemia due to iron deficiency, which can cause hair loss.

8. Excess shares at the capillary level

Subjecting hair to too many treatments can weaken it. Discolorations, frequent changes of color, permanent or regular use of hair irons not directly cause hair loss but can damage it and make this weaken and then fall, according to the dermatologist.

If you experience excessive hair fall or areas evident notes on your bald scalp, forget about home remedies (that truth does not work) and consult your doctor or a dermatologist. Many of the causes of hair loss are solvable.