Are you planning to be a mom and you're worried that your husband and you are not "compatible" with regard to blood type? Have you been told that if you have Rh negative you must take a right treatment before or during your pregnancy so that you or your baby does not have any problems? In life and health we tell you what does the Rh factor in your blood with a normal, healthy pregnancy.
You've probably heard of complications in pregnancy has Rh blood. If so, I would start at the beginning. What is Rh factor? On the surface of red blood cells is a protein factor that determines the Rh. If you have it , then you are Rh positive; if not, you are Rh negative. This is in addition to that there are four blood types: A, B, AB and O. Hence when we talk about blood type of the group and after the Rh factor .
It is estimated that 85% of people are Rh positive. However, if you are the percentage of people with Rh negative and you are a woman, pay attention. If your partner is Rh positive and becomes pregnant, there is a possibility that the baby will have health problems. The reason? It is likely that the developing baby has inherited the father's blood with Rh positive.
Then you simply explain where born this complication. When the mother is Rh negative and the baby is Rh positive, in medical terms this condition is known as "hemolytic disease of the newborn Rh-induced".
There are situations in pregnancy, including childbirth, where baby's blood mixed with the blood of the mother. During pregnancy, the mother feeds the fetus through the placenta. During this communication, baby red blood cells can be passed into the bloodstream of the mother, which makes the body of the mother refuses to perceive them as a foreign substance into your body. In other words, the body of the mother feels attacked and creates defenses to protect. These defenses are anti-Rh antibodies.
Because there is a constant exchange between the baby 's body and the body of the mother, these antibodies may travel through the bloodstream of the mother which cross the placenta into the baby's body. After crossing the placenta these antibodies begin to attack the baby's red blood cells. This makes the baby can develop certain conditions such as jaundice, anemia or even brain damage.
As the process of creating antibodies takes time, in most cases it does not affect babies of mothers, but it can affect the children that come after it, if they have Rh positive and the mother has Rh negative . If you are a new mother, but you've had abortions or interrupted pregnancies it is recommended also receive treatment, because your body may have been sensitized and may have produced antibodies.
If you think it's a very negative picture, let me tell you not to worry. If you attend your prenatal checkups from the beginning of your pregnancy , your doctor will probably injection of Rh immunoglobulin, which is also known as Rhogam. Your doctor will determine the right time to give it . Rh immune globulin antibodies help neutralize such that there is no risk to the baby.
If your doctor knows you're Rh negative you recommend a direct Coombs test. Also maintain strict attention to changes in the baby such as elevations in the levels of bilirubin , jaundice, symptoms of destruction of red blood cells, and evidence of decreased muscle tone, among others.
Being informed will give you the peace of mind you need to enjoy your pregnancy.
Remember that the best way to be alert to such situations in pregnancy is to begin to see your doctor as soon as possible. Prenatal tests will increase your chances of having a normal, successful pregnancy.
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