Friday, October 7, 2016

5 ways to maintain sexual anxiety

Sometimes such a pleasurable activity like sex can become a real headache. And worst of all is that when something goes wrong in privacy can fill you with frustrations and fears that may reappear when you try to have sex again. Here we tell you what sexual anxiety is and how to deal with it.

Sex should be a pleasurable activity for both partners and even has been proven to have health benefits . However, sometimes, there are concerns that kill passion and desire .

When Charles met Diana, for example, he was so enamored that he feared not being able to enjoy the girl of his dreams. He thought his penis was small and surely she would have had experiences with men who were "better" than him and then ... The result was frustrating: when the time of sex came to his erection lasted only until the moment of penetration, and then nothing , there was no way to continue ...

In similar situations, Paul enthused so much that he could not hold ejaculation  to wait for his companion, and it got so bad the issue that in the end, whenever he liked a girl not even close for fear of passing again for a situation so frustrating.

If happens to you something, take heart! This is a problem that has a solution. It is known as sexual anxiety and although it is more common among men, sometimes it can also happen to women.

There are various concerns that can cause sexual anxiety. For example:

  • Fear of not being enough "good" in bed.
  • Having a bad image of your body and / or your weight.
  • Worry or feel that penis size is not adequate.
  • Fear of ejaculating prematurely (premature ejaculation)  or unable to sustain an erection until the woman reaches orgasm.
  • Fear of not being able to reach orgasm or enjoy the sexual experience.
All these concerns prevent sex is pleasurable. They can also activate some stress hormones that make your body react as if he were facing a threat, when really you're not.

In men, for example, one of the effects of stress hormones is constricting blood vessels. Thus, less blood reaches the penis and makes erection more difficult to achieve or sustain. In the case of women, however, it is possible that stress does not allow them lubricated enough to have sex or lose the desire to have sex.

Are you worried about the issue of sexual anxiety? Do not despair it has a solution and is not as difficult to achieve. First of all, consultation with a doctor to discard that what happens to you is not something physical or caused by any medicines you are taking.

If all is well physically, then a qualified professional may suggest alternatives. Between them:

  1. Be open with your partner and encourage to discuss concerns that do not let you act freely during sex. So, your partner can understand you better and may even seek solutions which, after all, will unite even more.
  2. It seeks to broaden privacy, there are many ways to do this without having sex. For example, there may be a massage or take a warm bath, take caresses and seek new ways of feeling and provoke feelings without having to reach sexual act that you so stressed.
  3. Do exercise. Not only allow you to stay in shape and feel better with your body but also have more energy and strength for sex.
  4. Distract yourself and seeks external stimuli that will help you take care of the sexual act. For example, you can put music or think about things or situations that stimulate you.
  5. Calls psychological help. If none of this works, consult a professional who specializes in sexual problems that can help you know your fears and understand what things concern you or cause you anxiety, as well as feel more comfortable with your sexuality.

Remember that when it comes to sex, there is a way to do right or wrong. On the contrary, the important thing is to enjoy together and get carried away by emotions, anything goes in while the couple are both comfortable. So stop blaming yourself or push you on how you do or how you look or how you feel your body looks. Sex has nothing to do with any of that and you have all the conditions to enjoy it. Do not be overcome by sexual anxiety, because it is a situation that can be resolved and not have to follow affecting.

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